After a year of design , engineering, and testing of theories followed by a year of construction. We are finally able to see how well we met expectations in regards to water flows. The project is “Earth Moves” at the N.C. Museum of Life and Science. When complete, this exhibit will provide numerous hands on activities that demonstrate movement of the earth that occurs both naturally and mechanically. Working with the brilliant design team on numerous projects at their site challenges us to be at our best and to date we think we have done well.
The water course portion begins with water flowing off roof tops with angle adjustments to change water trajectory off of it. This feeds a water course with ways to dam sections to change the water course. There is also an erosion section that allows interaction to see how obstructions alter flow. The hand carved stone elements allow interaction with water.
Now that we are pleased with the water flow, museum staff can move forward with other portions of the project. Keep an eye on our progress to see it all come to life before summer.